Business in the Digital Age
02:45 PM - 03:15 PM
Revolutionary advances in technology are changing entire industries; Moreover, they change the world we inhabit. The digital transformation of companies is understood - erroneously - as the digitization of the usual processes, by means of the installation of technological devices and algorithms; Meanwhile, somewhere, a disruptive attack on our business is brewing. The digital transformation consists of a process of cultural adaptation to address the business in a new context, radically different, rather than a technological implementation. It implies disabling paradigms in obsolescence and generating rupturist openness, what we aspire to happen in our heads (mentalities) and not in our artifacts or algorithms. Be aware of this situation, generate a coherent story about the digital / cultural transformation in our company and build a collaborative base to deploy the approach are the main challenges we face.

Many companies still act under the obsolescence paradigm of the industrial revolution: linear progress, individual success, achievement and competence, while society and culture evolve into forms of relationship that promote collaboration, bonding and sustainable development, enabling disruptions of the shared economy. Thus, they try to explain the current changes from the proliferation of technologies useful to the digitalization of industrial processes, projecting the future from a large amount of data (from the past). We live a cognitive revolution, which not only has to do with artifacts, processes and data, but with the knowledge and with the ability of the human being to rely on technologies - such as artificial intelligence, ubiquitous connectivity and biological research - to create new social and business development spaces. The biggest challenge is to adapt our way of thinking to take advantage of technologies virtuously, promoting new business spaces. In the transition zone between the industrial era and the cognitive era, disruptions arise that accelerate change, generating losers: companies that continue to drive archaic business models that make them lose value.
The presentation exposes the technological ages of humanity and their transitions, giving situational context to the moment we live; recommends ways of approaching the second curve of business development through new digital business models; explains the change in the structure of demand from a push system (supply pushes demand) to a pull system (demand "pulls" supply); and, finally, it introduces the cultural variables on which the change and digital transformation are based and fed back.
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